Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Morning update...

Pixar Photo Tour

Most likely I'll never see the inside with my own two eyes.

Turn any photo to look like it was shot using a toy camera!

My friends Lisa and Vivian gets some decent results from their toy cameras. Thought this was a nice tool to convert without spending extra on the film or camera.
Original It's in Japanese, or get it from here!

I doubt it can heal you... but it does look like a nice USB hub.


Video included on original site.

Save money by using LED candles.


There is a video on the original site.

Touch screens are improving so fast!
This one, you can attach knobs to the screen to detect rotation.
Take that mutli-touch screen!


1 comment:

Haine Daehyen Kim said...

Good stuff
man, pixar is awesome!!!!